Sunday, October 25, 2015


Winter Activities

Since things are always slower for a farmer in the winter, I have decided to resume my "couponing".  Not sure if that is really a verb; anyway, 4 years ago when we first moved to Moscow, I didn't have a job.  I made sure the boys were doing well in their new schools.  Then, I needed something to do to keep me busy.  Couponing was all the rage since the country was in a bit of a repression/depression at the time.  So, I started learning about "how" to coupon.  I was pretty religious about it for about a year, then, I got a couple of part time jobs and got busy.  I still think you can get some great things for free if you are patient.  Also, I was SO busy this past summer with the sunflowers that I rarely had time to get to the store until we were totally out of something.  This is the worst time to buy things because you are pretty much going to have to pay full price.

I have starting to keep an eye to the Sunday circulars and I use the Krazy Coupon Ladies website to find the best deals.  My goal is to try and stock up for the next year.  Then, I can stock up again next fall.  Furthermore, it seems that people are not as coupon crazy as they were a couple years ago.  I got to the Rite Aid last week and was able to buy some moneymakers (where you actually make money on buying an item!).  That was crazy rare back when I began.  The moneymakers would all be sold out right away!

I should clarify that I am talking about couponing mostly for personal care items i.e. deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste, lotion, etc...  I am hoping to stock up for a year and then I can concentrate on other activities in the summer when I am busier. 

Here is my best deals for October...spent less than $9.00 on all this over the month...

Maybe in November, I will keep track of how much the items cost and what I paid for them.

In the Garden

I cleaned out one of my 3 beds and planted my garlic.  Place a really thin layer of pine shavings over the top.

Picked a beautiful cauliflower last week.


University of Idaho Homecoming parade yesterday...Joshua rode on the 4-H float!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Enjoying the Indian Summer and getting our 3 Sister's Garden started...

In the Garden

Plans are moving ahead with the 3 Sister's Garden,  We put down a layer of compost.  It is 12 feet by 12 feet big.  Then, we placed cardboard over the compost and small wood chips on top of the cardboard.  

I think the idea is that the cardboard cuts out the light and then the grass will die and the worms will come up to the surface to feed off the rotting grass and then will come up into the garden this way...we will see...

The weather has been incredibly warm here in north Idaho.  I even watered my garden this past week. My kale is making a come back (I had pulled all but 2 plants due to the aphids), the fall lettuce is almost ready to pick and I harvested the most beautiful broccoli last week.  I am still picking tomatoes, zucchini and patty pans.  There are also cauliflower and cabbage growing (and broccoli!).  It looks like it "may" get down to freezing this next weekend...


This past week, I attended a little workshop at the Troy Library about Beekeeping.  This might be a 4-H project for Joshua and I this next year.  Margo at the 12 Mile Market said we could have some space to put a couple of bee hives.  Click on the picture to visit the 12 Mile Market website:

12 Mile Market

So, I am going to be checking out a couple of books from the library this fall about beekeeping.

Here is a pic I got of a bee on my oregano...they LOVE oregano...

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Foraging apples...

In the Kitchen

Last week, Mark and I were out for a walk and saw this...

So, we did!  I took them home and made apple pie jam and apple butter.  Let me know if you are interested in purchasing any.

The apple butter just smelled SO good that I actually put some on a piece of bread and ate it!!!  I seem to have a gluten sensitivity and it has been months since I have tried eating any wheat.  I just could not resist!  It was delicious (and luckily, since I only had one slice, my tummy did not get too 
upset.)  I put some of the apple pie jam on some yogurt with granola.  It was great too!

Decided to try something new and make raspberry vinegar.  I also added some fresh thyme.  It has to sit for 3 weeks and then I can bottle it...probably for Christmas gifts.  Does not look too pretty now but the color is will be better once I strain off the fruit/herbs.

Click on this picture (above) to learn about making Infused Vinegars.

Garden update

We are starting to work in the area that will have the 3 Sister's Garden...I may add in a pic later...

Otherwise, we are still picking tomatoes, zucchini, patty pans, broccoli, and I have fall lettuces that are finally starting to take off!