Sunday, April 19, 2020

ReMARKable Eggs will not be at the Moscow Farmer's Market this year...

Decisions, decisions...

First, let me say that we hope everyone is coping well with the coronavirus pandemic.  Since the pandemic has begun, daily life has not been too different for us.  Mark definitely misses his extra curricular activities and has asked for "swimming", "church", and "gym".  Overall, we are pretty fortunate, we have our chores to do each day and we can still get out for walks, hikes and bike rides.

Starting a new business during a pandemic is not something that can be planned out.  Of course, life doesn't always happen as planned. 

The original plan went something like this:

  • Mark graduates high school in June 2019.  ✔
  • We apply and receive funding to start the egg business.  Continuing...
  • The coops are built in the fall 2019.  Continuing...
  • Chicks and ducks arrive the first part of November 2019.  ✔
  • Poultry start laying eggs in the spring 2020.  ✔
  • In May 2020, we start selling eggs at the Moscow Farmers Market.  Delayed...
As all of you know, a global pandemic started to brew in winter 2020 forcing most people to now stay at home.  Businesses are closed and public gatherings are off limits.  We learned that the opening of the Moscow Farmers Market would be delayed.  This got us thinking about how we could start to sell some of our product.  It seemed that since most people were being told to stay at home, that a delivery system might be a great way to get our product into people's homes.  Since we can't go bowling on Friday afternoons, why not deliver eggs!  We are still working out the kinks on this system but, overall, I would say the delivery system is going well.
Denise and Mark at the 2019 Farmers Market
This past week, the Moscow Farmers Market has released more information about the downtown Market.  It will open on June 6 and allow only agricultural vendors.  Of course, this means that ReMARKable Eggs will be allowed to participate in the Farmer's Market.  BUT...the downtown Market is going to look very different this year.  Socializing will be discouraged and each vendor will have 2 employees.  One to take money and one to hand out product.  Let me first explain that Remarkable Farms understands the precautions that are being put in place and agrees with them.  However, we usually do not have 2 people available to be at our booth.  So...

The Moscow Farmers Market is also setting up an online market place through Local Line.  This involves customers placing an order online and then coming to the Moscow City Hall parking lot and picking up their orders.  

Therefore, we have decided to continue with the egg delivery system and to participate in the Local Line Online Market Place.

Keeping this post short today!  I think Mark just woke up and we have lots to do on the farm today...

Stay safe and have an eggcellent day!

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Find Your Local Farmer

Find Your Farmer

With the COVID-19 pandemic happening, there is lots of uncertainty.  It's hard to find toilet paper, kleenex, paper towels and hand sanitizer.  We ran out of brown sugar last week and I have not been able to replace it.  Luckily, we have lots of honey from the beehive that did not make it through the winter.

Last week, I had a friend from Boise text me and ask if I could mail her some eggs.  The stores were out of bread, milk, eggs, onion, and potatoes.  The other day, I saw this sign at our local Winco:
This might be a good time to find your local farmer!  Here are a few options to help you get started:

Local Hens

I recently registered with Local Hens.  If you go to and click on Find a Farmer, you can put in what products you are looking for and your zip code to find local farms selling that item.  Whether you are in need of eggs, seafood, produce, meat, dairy, or honey, Local Hens believes you will feel better when you know where your food comes from.

Local Harvest connects people looking for good food with the farmers who produce it.  Their directory lists over 40,000 family farms and farmers markets, along with restaurants and grocery stores that feature local food.  Local Harvest lists both farms and farmer's markets in your area.  They also have a list of Community Support Agriculture (CSA's) available in your area and give tips on finding the best one to serve your needs.

Farmers Markets

If your community has a local Farmers Market, this is an easy way to support your local farmer and get fresh food.  The National Farmers Market Directory can help you find your local Farmers Market.  The Directory is designed to provide customers with convenient access to information about farmers market listings to include: market locations, directions, operating times, product offerings, accepted forms of payment, and more.

Mark and Denise at Moscow Farmer's Market summer 2019

Eat Wild

EatWILD was founded in 2001 to promote the benefits—to consumers, farmers, animals, and the planet—of choosing meat, eggs, and dairy products from 100% grass-fed animals or other non-ruminant animals fed their natural diets. Today it is the #1 clearinghouse for information about pasture-based farming and features a state-by-state plus Canada directory of local farmers who sell their pastured farm and ranch products directly to consumers.

Eating local is good for you, your community, and the environment

There are lots of good reasons why eating local – or being a “locavore” – is good for you. Studies show a correlation between local foods and good health.  Buying fresh local food is the easiest way to avoid eating processed food with added sugar, fat and preservatives.

Most food in the United States travels between 1,500 and 2,000 miles before being eaten.
~ Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Iowa State University

Locally sourced foods may have greater nutritional value. When your food doesn’t have to travel as far, it’s likely to be fresher and have fewer preservatives.  It’s also better for the local economy (by keeping dollars in your community) and the environment (by cutting down the distance required to transport food to your table).

Grow Your Own Food!

The Victory Garden is making a come back.  I have read that seed orders are up 300% this spring.  The Moment for Food Sovereignty is Now is an article by Civil Eats that explains that many seed companies had to actually stop taking orders so they could catch up!  Good thing I always order my seeds ridiculously early.  However, I have seen lots of seeds still available in the local Walmart and most hardware stores have seeds.  I bought seed potatoes for $1/lb at the local farm store.

Gardening classes are in high demand too.  When Oregon State University opened up their online Master Gardening series to the public in mid-March, more than 13,000 people signed up to take the course—compared to 105 people in 2019.  Even if you only have a couple pots on your patio, growing some of your own food can be a rewarding hobby.

We have a big garden and grow most of our vegetables.  We have also planted, and continue to plant, several fruit and nut trees on our property for us and the animals.  I just planted an almond tree and some golden raspberries.  In the summer, we visit a you-pick blueberry farm and come home with about 12 pounds of blueberries and freeze them (we just ran out so we need to pick more this summer!). 

We have a farmer that we get grass fed beef and pork from.  Call Crow Bench Farm if you want to place an order.  Click on pic for the Crow Bench Farm Facebook page:
In a couple of years, we are hoping to add some broiler chickens to our farm.

If you don't have the space or time to grow your own food, consider supporting a local farmer in your area!  

I know they will appreciate your business!

Have an eggcellent week and stay safe!