Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Visiting Joshua!

Trip to Utah

I try to put out a blog every other week on Sundays.  This is coming out a couple days late because we were out of town and I did not have time to put everything together until we got home yesterday.

We made a trip to Utah to visit Joshua.  Joshua is currently at a residential treatment center in Utah.  If you are not up to speed, you can read about that HERE.  He left in March and we have not been to see him since.  We have weekly therapy via the telephone but it's not the same as seeing someone in person.

You may have seen this video before because I posted it on the FB and Instagram.  Mark was up early on Thursday morning and just kept saying "airport".  He was really excited to go and see Joshua...

Joshua looked really good and was so happy to see us.  We were all happy to see him.  His hair is getting long.  He always was wanting to grow his hair long but we had kept it cut short.

We got to take him out of the facility for 3 hours on Thursday and Friday.  We could stay with him at the facility as much as we wanted in a small "family" room that had some chairs and TV and DVD player.  Mark wasn't so keen on staying in the small family room so Henry and I would take turns.  We ended up watching a lot of movies.  On Saturday and Sunday, we were allowed to take him out for 5 hours at a time.

On Friday morning, we had our family therapy in person with his therapist.  Then, after that, top priority was a hair cut.  I guess they used to have someone to come in and cut hair at the facility but they quit and they are still trying to get a new person to cut hair.
We also did some shopping and went out to eat.  Joshua wanted to go to Olive Garden and get mushroom ravioli because he had read about it in the Twilight books. 

While Henry was hanging out with Joshua at the facility, Mark and I did some hiking!
Mark taking a break while out on a hike with Denise.
 On Saturday, we went to the Salt Lake City Zoo.  It was really nice!
Joshua standing in front of the spoonbill birds.
Mark really liked watching this duck!  Can't wait to get his ducks!!!
Mark watching a duck take a bath at the zoo.
Joshua liked the polar bear the best.  It's hard to see in this pic but the polar bear was very active swimming around a lot.
Joshua looking at polar bear at the zoo.
 On Sunday, we went to the Great Salt Lake!  It was really stinky!
Mark, Joshua, and Henry at the Great Salt Lake.
 We also went to the aquarium.  Mark really liked the shark tank and penguins at the aquarium but I didn't get any pics of that.
Joshua at aquarium.
Henry and Joshua watching a tortoise eating some lettuce.
Then, Monday morning, we headed back to Idaho.  It was a great little trip but also exhausting.  It is good to be back home and it was SO good to see Joshua.  He is making good progress on his therapy!  Most treatment programs are 15-18 months in length so he has quite a bit to go still.  Please, keep him in your thoughts and prayers!


  1. I glad you got to go and that Joshua could spend some time with you. As you should know, you and him are in my thoughts and prayers daily.

  2. Sorry I haven't been keeping up on the farm progress, Mark, and Joshua. Been in my own process... Good to see that things are progressing -- maybe a little differently than I might have thought. Write if you have a moment. Dennis
