Sunday, November 1, 2020

Experiment: Baking with duck eggs!

In the Barn 

The duck egg coop is getting close to being finished.  I am really hopeful that we will be able to move the ducks out of the barn and into their own coop this fall.  We are really enjoying the duck eggs and wanted to share a little more information about duck eggs and why they are better than chicken eggs!  

Can you guess which of these cakes was made with duck eggs?  Keep reading to find out...

It's rare to see a duck sitting on a nest.  They usually have all their eggs laid before we come out to feed and water.  I found this duck sitting on a nest of about 6 eggs for 2 days in a row.  I wonder if she was broody and wanted to hatch some eggs...
I think the ducks really like to have a nice deep place to lay their eggs and they tend to cover them up with straw.  We made these special duck egg nest boxes for the ducks but the chickens keep scratching all their nice fluffy, straw out of the nests.  It will be better once we can get them separated in their own coop.
As I mentioned, the ducks tend to bury their eggs in the straw.  Here is a video of me digging for duck eggs...

In the Kitchen

Okay, enough about egg laying, let's talk duck egg nutrition.  I posted this pic on Facebook a couple weeks ago.  I think the first thing that you will notice about a duck egg is that it is bigger then a chicken egg.  The duck egg is on the left and a chicken egg in on the right.  
There are a few more calories in duck eggs (obviously- the size alone would indicate that!)  Duck eggs contain more protein than a chicken egg and the protein is different.  If you are allergic to chicken eggs, chances are that you will not be allergic to duck eggs.

The vitamin and mineral content is higher and there are more Omega 3's in duck eggs.  Ducks seem to be really good foragers and they are efficient layers.  The shell of a duck egg is stronger and that gives the egg a longer shelf life.  

Duck Eggs for Baking

Why use duck eggs for baking?  The higher fat content in duck eggs make cakes rise higher and gives meringues more volume and stability.  Your sweets will be richer because of the larger yolk that contains more fat.

If you are baking for someone who needs gluten free, they’ll be pleased to get some of the ‘body’ back in their baked goods that is lost without the gluten.

I had read that you can substitute 2 duck eggs for 3 chicken eggs.  BUT I could not really find any "proof" that baked goods with duck eggs would be more lighter and fluffy.

So, I did my own experiment.  I did my best to keep everything consistent except for the type and number of eggs.  I used store bought cake mixes and weighed everything in grams and milliliters so everything was precise.  I even weighed the eggs.  The chicken eggs were 60 grams and the duck eggs were 70 grams each.  I tried 3 different scenarios: 3 chicken eggs, 3 duck eggs and 2 duck eggs.  

It is a little difficult to see from the pics so you will have to take my word.  Both of the duck egg cakes rose up about a quarter inch taller than the chicken egg cake.  It even appears that the duck egg cake with 2 eggs rose taller than the duck egg cake with 3 eggs!  I did not bother to replicate the experiment (there is only so much cake you can eat...)  BUT I think this shows nicely that you can use 2 duck eggs in place of 3 chicken eggs and your baking will turn out lighter and fluffier!

What is your favorite way to use duck eggs?

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