I knew it was going to bees swarmed! I had seen the swarm cells. Swarm cells are used to make a new queen. A beehive makes swarm cells when the hive is too crowded. The "old" queen takes off with worker bees to find a new place to build a hive. Most of the bees will leave in the prime (or first) swarm. Sometimes, there will be smaller afterswarms.
This is how it all went down...I was out mowing and I noticed this swarm hanging onto a branch. It was hanging very low, only about 4-5 feet off the ground. As I had said previously, I knew this was going to happen because I had noticed the swarm cells in the hive.
I should have split the hive but I have been so busy this spring with getting the garden ready, that I have not had time to stop and get a hive all put together. Also, I was getting ready to go out of town and I figured if they swarmed while I was away, I wouldn't have a chance to get them anyway. But, as luck would have it, I did see the swarm and I actually had a little free time that afternoon. I called my friend, Alison, with the Moscow Bee Company. Alison brought a nuc box and was able to capture the swarm.
So, here it is...the new hive. I went in to check in on it the next evening and I saw the queen in there. I wasn't too worried but it was nice to see her.
I will be keeping an eye on my top bar hive. There are still lots of bees in there but I am also excited to try a new type of beekeeping in the langstroth hive.~Denise